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YiSi (乙巳年)
Wood Snake

The Chinese Calendar with a Sexagesimal dating by Ganzhi (干支)

In the Chinese Calendar, the time has neither beginning, nor end. It's in eternal inchanging cycle. Or we can consider that the time is a kind of eternal circle. This concept corresponds exactly to the theory of the Confucianism, which says that the supreme task of a living is to perpetuate the life, for a human being, a supplemental task is imposed, this is to honor his acenstors, implying to surpass his parents, in conducts, in realization. What do humans, bees, ants, plants, ...

To quantify the time both abstract and imperceptible, the scientists of the Emperor, often the calendary officers of the Son of the Sky, invented a system of Sexagesimal dating. ie, the Ganzhi system 干支纪年法.

To do this, The Sky has been divided first into 10 stems, called TianGan (天干) and then the Earth into 12 branches, called DiZhi (地支), each represented by a symbol animal, and also called Chinese Zodiac Animal:

TianGan (天干, Sky Stem)
DiZhi (地支, Earch Branch)
Chinese Writing (Pinyin): Symbol Animal
甲 (Jia)
子 (Zi): Rat
乙 (Yi)
丑 (Chou): Ox
丙 (Bing)
寅 (Yin): Tiger
丁 (Ding)
卯 (Mao): Rabbit
午 (Wu)
辰 (Chen): Dragon
己 (Ji)
巳 (Si): Snake
庚 (Geng)
午 (Wu): Horse
辛 (Xin)
未 (Wei): Goat
壬 (Ren)
申 (Shen): Monkey
癸 (Gui)
酉 (You): Rooster
戌 (Xu): Dog
亥 (Hai): Pig


GanZhi (干支) Year

The combination of the columns TianGan et DiZhi gives 60 exhaustive possibilities. Each combination is a GanZhi, abbreviation of TianGan et DiZhi. These 60 Ganzhi are the Fundamental of the Chinese Zodiac and of the Chinese Astrology.

Each Ganzhi is the name of a year, and each 60 years form a full cycle: it begins by the first year JiaZi (甲子), and ends by the last year GuiHai (癸亥).

We remark that each Ganzhi year is associated with an animal, so in the Chinese Zodiac, the same animal returns at each 12 years.

At each 60 years, the cycle restarts and remains in space and time...

As reference, a remarkable JiaZi (甲子) year is the year 4 AC in the Gregorian Calendar.

干支 (GanZhi)
60 Possible and Exhaustive Combinations
of Sky and Earth Elements
1 甲子 (JiaZi): Rat
2 乙丑 (YiChou): Ox
3 丙寅 (BingYin): Tiger
4 丁卯 (DingMao): Rabbit
5 午辰 (WuChen): Dragon
6 己巳 (JiSi): Snake
7 庚午 (GengWu): Horse
8 辛未 (XinWei): Goat
9 壬申 (RenShen): Monkey
10 癸酉 (GuiYou): Rooster
11 甲戌 (JiaXu): Dog
12 乙亥 (YiHai): Pig
13 丙子 (BingZi): Rat
14 丁丑 (DingChou): Ox
15 午寅 (WuYin): Tiger
16 己卯 (JiMao): Rabbit
17 庚辰 (GengChen): Dragon
18 辛巳 (XinSi): Snake
19 壬午 (RenWu): Horse
20 癸未 (GuiWei): Goat
21 甲申 (JiaShen): Monkey
22 乙酉 (YiYou): Rooster
23 丙戌 (BingXu): Dog
24 丁亥 (DingHai): Pig
25 午子 (WuZi): Rat
26 己丑 (JiChou): Ox
27 庚寅 (GengYin): Tiger
28 辛卯 (XinMao): Rabbit
29 壬辰 (RenChen): Dragon
30 癸巳 (GuiSi): Snake
32 乙未 (YiWei): Goat
33 丙申 (BingShen): Monkey
34 丁酉 (DingYou): Rooster
35 午戌 (WuXu): Dog
36 己亥 (JiHai): Pig
37 庚子 (GengZi): Rat
38 辛丑 (XinChou): Ox
39 壬寅 (RenYin): Tiger
40 癸卯 (GuiMao): Rabbit
41 甲辰 (JiaChen): Dragon
42 乙巳 (YiSi): Snake
43 丙午 (BingWu): Horse
44 丁未 (DingWei): Goat
45 午申 (WuShen): Monkey
46 己酉 (JiYou): Rooster
47 庚戌 (GengXu): Dog
48 辛亥 (XinHai): Pig
49 壬子 (RenZi): Rat
50 癸丑 (GuiChou): Ox
51 甲寅 (JiaYin): Tiger
52 乙卯 (YiMao): Rabbit
53 丙辰 (BingChen): Dragon
54 丁巳 (DingSi): Snake
55 午午 (WuWu): Horse
56 己未 (JiWei): Goat
57 庚申 (GengShen): Monkey
58 辛酉 (XinYou): Rooster
59 壬戌 (RenXu): Dog
60 癸亥 (GuiHai): Pig

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Chinese Shoes > Ganzhi (天干地支 = 干支): Chinese Years in Sky - Earth pairs
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